Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Informatica FAQ's part-8

96. Why we use partitioning the session in Informatica?
Partitioning achieves the session performance by reducing the time period of reading the source and loading the data into target.

97. Why we use lookup transformation?
Look up Transformations can access data from relational tables that are not sources in mapping. With Lookup transformation, we can accomplish the following tasks.

98. Which transformation should we use to normalize the COBOL and relational sources?
When you drag the COBOL source into the Designer workspace, the normalized transformation automatically appears, creating input and output ports for every column in the source.

99. Which tool you use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor and stop the Informatica server?
Informatica server manager.

100. What are the types of data that passes between Informatica server and stored procedure?
There are three types of data
  1. Input/output parameter
  2. Return Values
  3. Status code

101. What are the groups available in Router Transformation?
  1. User defined group
  2. Default group

102. What are join types in Joiner Transformation?
The joins supplied by the Joiner Transformation are:
  1. Normal Join
  2. Master Outer Join
  3. Detail Outer Join
  4. Full Outer Join

103. What are the designer tools available for creation of Transformations?
  1. Mapping Designer
  2. Transformation Developer
  3. Mapplet Designer

104. What are the basic needs to join two sources in Source Qualifier?
The two source tables should have a primary key – foreign key relationship and the two source tables should have matching data types.

105. What is a Status code?
Status code provides error handling facility during the session execution.

106. What is Data Driven?
The Data Driven is the instruction which is fed to Informatica Server whether to insert/delete/update when using Update Strategy Transformation.

107. What are the tasks to be done to partition a session?
  • Configure the session to partition the source data
  • Install the Informatica on a machine with multiple CPU

108. In which circumstances the Informatica creates a reject file (bad file)?
When it encounters the DD_REJECT in Update strategy Transformation
Voilets database constraints file in the rows was truncated or overflowed.

109.In a sequential batch can you run the session if previous session fails?
Yes, by setting the option always runs the session.

110. How many ways your create ports?
Two ways:
  1. Drag the prot from another transformation
  2. Click the add button on the ports tab.

111. How can you stop the batch?
By using server manager or pmcmd.
112.How can you improve session performance in aggregator transformation?
Use sorted input.

113. Can you use the mapping parameters or variables created in one mapping into any other reusable transformation?
Yes, because reusable transformation is not contained with any mapplet or mapping.

114. Can you use the mapping parameters or variables created in one mapping into another mapping?
We can use mapping parameters or variables in any transformation of the same mapping or mapplet in which you have created mapping parameters or variables.

115. Can you start a session inside a batch individually?
We can start our required session only in case of sequential batch in case of concurrent batch. We can do like this.



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