Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Informatica FAQ's part-5

44. What is a Load Manager?
            The Load Manager is a primary Informatica Server process. It performs the following tasks:
  • Manages sessions and batch scheduling
  • Locks the session and read the session properties
  • Read the parameter file
  • Expand the server and session variables and parameters.
  • Verify permissions and privileges

45. What are the tasks performed by Sequence Generator Transformation?
  1. Create keys
  2. Replace missing values
  3. Cycle through a sequential range of numbers.

46. What is the end value of the Sequence Generator?
The end value of the Sequence Generator is 2147483647.

47. What are variables supplied by the Transaction Control Transformation?

48. How to implement Update Strategy?
To implement Update Strategy Transformation the source and target table should have primary keys to compare the records the records and to find out the latest changes happened.

49. What are constants of Update Strategy Transformation?
The constants of Update Strategy Transformation are:

  1. DD_INSERT      -           0
  2. DD_UPDATE    -           1
  3. DD_DELETE     -           2
  4. DD_REJECT     -           3
DD Stands For Data Driven

50 What are the benefits of Star Schema Design?
  • Fewer tables
  • Designed for analysis across time
  • Simplify joins
  • Less database space
  • Supports drilling on reports

51 What is Data Scrubbing?
The Data Scrubbing is the process of cleaning up the junk in the legacy data and make it accurate and useful. Simply, making good data out of bad data.

52. What are Bad Rows (Rejected Rows)?
The Informatica Server will dumped the bad or rejected rows which are sent out by the transformation into a text file with tablename.bad extension.

53. The Normalizer Transformation is mainly used to extract and format the Cobol files.

54. We can apply “Distinct” clause only in Source Qualifier and Sorter Transformations.

55. What are types of Dimensional Modeling?
  1. Conceptual Modeling
  2. Physical Modeling
  3. Logical Modeling


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